Day 1
Food- 1311.47kr or 150 US dollars
Total cost of the day- 1311.47kr or 150 US dollars
Day 2
Food- 1136.6kr or 130 US dollars
Ground Transportation- 1097.17kr or 125.49 US dollars
Admission for Attractions- 600.65kr or 68.7 US dollars
Total cost for the day- 2834.43kr or 324.19 US dollars
Day 3
Food- 1661.19kr or 190 US dollars
Ground Transportation- 940.85kr or 107.61 US dollars
Admission for Attractions- 260.02kr or 29.74 US dollars
Total cost for the day- 2862.05kr or 327.35 US dollars
Day 4
Food- 1312.69kr or 150.14 US dollars
Ground Transportation-1202.18kr or 137.5 US dollars
Admission for Attractions- 1294.59kr or 148.07 US dollars
Total cost for the day- 3809.46kr or 435.71 US dollars
Day 5
Food- 437.16 or 50 US dollars
Total cost of the day- 437.16 or 50 US dollars
Currency Type- Swedish Krona
8.6 Swedish Krona equals 1 US dollar
To pay for this trip, you must work for about 511.46 hours, or 21.31 full days, at $7.87 an hour.
Food- 5859.1kr or 670.14 US dollars
Ground Transportation- 3240.19kr or 370.6 US dollars
Admission for Attractions- 2155.26kr or 246.51 US dollars
Flight/Hotel = $2,737.92
*Purchased on Orbitz.com